Intro to Welding
~~What is the definition of Welding?~~
A process of connecting two objects so that they become one...
For my interest approach I found a really cool idea , that I adapted to make it more educational. I gave every student 3 ice cubes, a note card and a candle. I told the students to write a hypothesis on the note card of how they could use the candle to "weld" the ice cubes together. Once they had a hypothesis, I then lit their candle.
I was really excited about this interest approach, I thought it could really get the students thinking and engaged. Overall the activity was a success, however there were a few things that could have gone better.
#1- The students were a little unsure about writing the hypothesis. I think perhaps I should have discussed what a hypothesis is and how to write one.
#2- Ties into my first thought, instead of passing out the ice cubes and candles, I should handed out the cards first to try to give them more time to think about the process before I started letting them try.
#3- Since, our lab groups are small I let each person try this activity on their own, however in a high school classroom I would have them in groups. I had one student who refused to give me a valid hypothesis and in order to keep the class moving I gave into the defiance. I think if the students were working in groups for the activity they would brainstorm I come up with better ideas.
#4- Safety Concerns: I told students to put away all their papers, most did however some did not completely clear their desks. Note for future reference make sure the desks are empty could be a potential hazard. Secondly, I did not provide students with paper towels for fear of fire. The desks were really wet and messy, maybe provide trays for students to work over?
#5- Just another thought, I think the entire activity would have been easier if the ice came directly from the freezer and were not already wet. I used a towel to dry my ice cubes and with pressure and no flame made the ice fuse.
#1- Students got a chance to engage in a hands on activity, dealing directly with their class. I thought the students were actively enjoying it. Three students were able to make the ice "weld" together, which addresses student success. When the first student got it to work, it made the rest work harder to achieve success.
#2- Students thought about the process and we discussed how they have all seen this process occur. I thought it was really cool how when I gave the example of it occurring in their glass of ice water, one students lit up, it was like flipping a light switch.
#3- It illustrated how the definition of welding as being more than just using heat to join two metals. When I asked the class to define welding they came up with the typical answer of joining two pieces of metal.
#4- There was one other issue that didn't really sink in till I was writing this and that is I had one student ask that her candle not be lit. She said she doesn't like fire, in retrospect I should have told her I would like to talk to her after class. I say this because if she doesn't like fire and didn't want a candle lit then I should take that as an indicator that she may have problems in this class using the welders.
#5- This is definitely an interest approach I want to use with my class!
I really enjoyed putting this lab together and I am happy that I had a chance to find things that I could improve! I hope that my future students will like this as much as I did. I really loved how all five students had different hypothesis' about how to make this work.
For my interest approach I found a really cool idea , that I adapted to make it more educational. I gave every student 3 ice cubes, a note card and a candle. I told the students to write a hypothesis on the note card of how they could use the candle to "weld" the ice cubes together. Once they had a hypothesis, I then lit their candle.
I was really excited about this interest approach, I thought it could really get the students thinking and engaged. Overall the activity was a success, however there were a few things that could have gone better.
#1- The students were a little unsure about writing the hypothesis. I think perhaps I should have discussed what a hypothesis is and how to write one.
#2- Ties into my first thought, instead of passing out the ice cubes and candles, I should handed out the cards first to try to give them more time to think about the process before I started letting them try.
#3- Since, our lab groups are small I let each person try this activity on their own, however in a high school classroom I would have them in groups. I had one student who refused to give me a valid hypothesis and in order to keep the class moving I gave into the defiance. I think if the students were working in groups for the activity they would brainstorm I come up with better ideas.
#4- Safety Concerns: I told students to put away all their papers, most did however some did not completely clear their desks. Note for future reference make sure the desks are empty could be a potential hazard. Secondly, I did not provide students with paper towels for fear of fire. The desks were really wet and messy, maybe provide trays for students to work over?
#5- Just another thought, I think the entire activity would have been easier if the ice came directly from the freezer and were not already wet. I used a towel to dry my ice cubes and with pressure and no flame made the ice fuse.
#1- Students got a chance to engage in a hands on activity, dealing directly with their class. I thought the students were actively enjoying it. Three students were able to make the ice "weld" together, which addresses student success. When the first student got it to work, it made the rest work harder to achieve success.
#2- Students thought about the process and we discussed how they have all seen this process occur. I thought it was really cool how when I gave the example of it occurring in their glass of ice water, one students lit up, it was like flipping a light switch.
#3- It illustrated how the definition of welding as being more than just using heat to join two metals. When I asked the class to define welding they came up with the typical answer of joining two pieces of metal.
#4- There was one other issue that didn't really sink in till I was writing this and that is I had one student ask that her candle not be lit. She said she doesn't like fire, in retrospect I should have told her I would like to talk to her after class. I say this because if she doesn't like fire and didn't want a candle lit then I should take that as an indicator that she may have problems in this class using the welders.
#5- This is definitely an interest approach I want to use with my class!
I really enjoyed putting this lab together and I am happy that I had a chance to find things that I could improve! I hope that my future students will like this as much as I did. I really loved how all five students had different hypothesis' about how to make this work.