Well finally things seem to be looking up!
I came into today's lab with 2 objectives:
-Smile: be excited
-Answer and ask lots of questions
For once I really think that happened!
The lesson I presented today was an introduction to the final project in my animal science II class. The project is to develop a farm business plan. The students are going to be presented with the project at the beginning of the semester. They will asked to choose the species they want to do their project on, and then I asked them to list "factors" they used to make their decision on a notecard.
I have definitely realized I hate "quite", I really need to work on allowing students time to complete their bellwork. I always want to jump into the lesson before I allow students sufficient time to complete the bellwork.
I gave myself a huge pep-talk before I walked out the door this morning! "I will be excited, I will be happy, I will smile!!" Well overall I think it worked, my evaluations all stated that I had improved enthusiasm! However, it was mentioned if it was genuine or forced... But heck, I will take it either way its an improvement!!
The second objective I made for myself was to ask more questions, in addition I wanted to make sure I was answering all questions. I made sure to check for questions and answer all of them. I can see that I still need to work on developing my questions. I know what I want the students to say however, I think I need to phrase them differently. Thus, my next objective is to work on scripting better questions!
Overall, I was happy with my performance today! Finally a lab that made me say I think I am going to be ok and make it through this. I really feel like I am making progress.