Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Journey

It has been a long and a short road.  As I am preparing for my final presentation, I keep wondering where the time has gone!  I have been here at Penn State for 3 semesters and it feels like I have been here forever and on the other hand like I just got here.

I know that I have changed and developed as an educator over the past few months.  The first lab didn't go across the way I expected.  I have learned to push out that smile and realized that I have show students how much I care and how excited I am to teach them.

I believe my biggest area of growth is planning, not the actual act of taking the time to plan rather the process.  I have learned how to effectively plan for instruction, the labs taught me about time management and the importance of student engagement.  Students need to be active in the lesson, you cannot talk at them.

The experiences we had with our classmates, in the end was more about identifying our strengths and weaknesses.  I realized that while somethings I did well I needed to have more engaging activities.  These labs prepared me for my experience at Central Mountain.  Micro-teaching was the highlight of my entire semester!  I loved every minute of it and it showed me that I want to teach!

It has been a good journey and process, however it is only the first step!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013


This was a very unique experience!  I really loved this lab it was cool to think about using $5 to jazz up a unit of instruction.  I found the lab extremely interesting and motivating!

On a reflective basis, I learned a lot about myself while doing this.  I honestly do not consider myself creative however when giving myself guidelines and a purpose then putting myself in a not so normal store when thinking about education..  The magic happened I was able to find a ton of stuff that I could see potentially using in my classroom!  The most interesting thing for me was that I had been in that very same store Monday to get shampoo.  That thing that blew my mind was how even though I was in the very same isles I never saw the stuff the way I did Wednesday.  I realized that I am not a browser, I go into a store and buy the item I went to get and leave.  I figured out that if I go into a store with a specific lesson in mind and not just the broad topic of school I have a lot more success!  So my new plan for creativity is to plan my lesson and determine the content I need to cover and then start to brainstorm ways of making it more interesting.  The final step is to go to a dollar store or even a thrift store and look for item that I could creatively relate to the lesson.